LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

LeBron, Can Deception and Greed Find a Way into Sports?

It’s not a trick question. When it comes to LeBron James, I believe there is plenty of room to believe both are true. Yes, LeBron James was deceived. But now he has gone full woke. And it’s all about him.

Lebron is like many other athletes who have risen to the top of their game. It stems first from their God given abilities, and, in the case of LeBron, his size. None of us can control how tall we become.

Once it is known that a student has a gifted advantage in sports, finding a great high school in which to grow, is nearly automatic. So, it was for LeBron James.

Enrollment at the Catholic high school, St Vincent-St Mary in Akron Ohio is the sort of thing that comes from being special.

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Calvinism, Is It Truth, or Doctrines of Demons?

Calvinism, Is It Truth, or Doctrines of Demons?

There are millions of Christians who embrace the doctrine of John Calvin. The French theologian became famous for the Christian doctrine that bears his name. It all occurred in the 1500’s.

The theology finds itself in conflict with many Christians. The popularity of Calvinism is found mostly in the western world. Europe and North America specifically.

It is a doctrine that is not without conflict. Many believers take issue with Calvinism. I’ve noticed that some find it convenient to argue opposing views of John Calvin on various social media platforms.

I try to stay clear of those discussions. I have wondered if it is useful.

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Imagine A Rude Awakening, and Then A Great Awakening?

Imagine A Rude Awakening, and Then A Great Awakening?

Imagine if you will, a moment when the secrets of darkness are bought into the light. What if you were a journalist. One of reputation and a file comes to you over the transom so to speak.

What reaction would you have? More importantly, what would you do?

You want more details.

Imagine the day when the proof of worldwide wickedness is dropped into your lap. The anonymous donor has every expectation that you’ll do what is right.

In an attempt to keep you honest, you’re advised that the same file has been given to at least a score of your colleagues.

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Do You Say Hallelujah When You are Praising God?

Do You Say Hallelujah When You are Praising God?

I say Hallelujah a lot. I have always thought of it as a simple way of saying, ‘Praise God’.

I like it. I like the idea of having God in the forefront of my thinking. Like most, I have times of dryness. Moments when I sense a distance. A separation of sorts, between me and the Holy Spirit. God.

Hallelujah helps bring me back. A couple of Hallelujahs and I begin to work myself back into the closeness I want. I need it. I just want to be there.

Do you know what I mean?

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Stop Right There, Are You Friend or Foe, How Shall We Know

Stop Right There, Are You Friend of Foe, How Shall I know

The challenge question, are you friend or foe, goes back a long way. I imagine it began not long after mankind found the need to form into tribes and nations.

I heard a story the other day that prompted me to think about who, exactly, are our friends. Who are my friends? I was led to wonder; how do I know.

The story I listened to involved a group of what should have been friends. I can’t say if they are good friends, but they’re supposed to be like minded.

The group members are both motorcycle riders, and confessing believers in Jesus Christ. Christians.

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Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

Your Greatest Adventure Is Upon You. Are You Ready?

I had a couple of chance meetings the other day while getting my oil changed. First was the trumpet player from the small praise band at church. It was nice to fill the ninety-minute wait talking with a friend.

Yes, it took ninety minutes. They were busy. They’re busy because they do a great job. But I digress.

Then, as I was leaving, I saw a man with a Slingshot. No, not the kind that breaks the neighbor’s window.

This guy was driving a three wheeled roller skate. A cross between a sports car and a motorcycle. The open top two seat hotrod is driven like a sports car. The constant breeze makes it feel like a motorcycle.

The thing has a steering wheel like any car. The wind will blow just like a motorcycle. This guy had a top-of-the-line helmet. It is what any sensible Harley rider would wear.

He was parked next to me. He arrived as I was leaving. He had a problem with a tire.

There is no good thing that can come from a Slingshot with a flat.

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Is The World About to See the Last Days Rapture?

Is The World About to See the Last Days Rapture?

I have been engaged with a dear friend, in a debate over the thought of the end times and a rapture of the church. What was the Apostle John telling us in his Revelation of Jesus Christ?

My friend, like so many in the modern evangelical church, believes that the events now taking place in the world, are absolutely what John was speaking of in his letter.

The Luciferin evil is beyond imagination. It’s never been this bad. It must be the end times.

My friend is in very good company. Many, if not most of the ‘big’ names in the church are telling their congregations to stop fretting about the wickedness in the world. Lift up your heads, your redemption draws near.

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Do You Have a Clean Heart? Are You Sure?

Do You Have a Clean Heart? Are You Sure?

Prepare In Me A Clean Heart

This verse is familiar. ‘Prepare in me a clean heart, Oh God. And renew a steadfast (right) spirit within me.’ Psalms 51:10

A decade ago, while working the Eagle Ford Shale oil field of south Texas, I listened to Keith Green sing his beautiful song based on Psalm 51. The song is taken nearly word for word from those written by King David.

Listening was a sort of ritual. I worked insane hours, long hot hours, both day and night. I lived out of my small 23-foot travel trailer, sleeping when I could. Keith Green’s were the most listened to songs in my iTunes account.

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Everyone Needs to Be Praying This Psalm Everyday

Everyone Needs to Be Praying This Psalm Everyday

Praying scripture is not complicated, and it is effective. God gave us His word. It makes sense that when we pray scripture, we are praying in accordance with what God has already said.

I pray Psalms 91. I know many believers who also pray this powerful Psalm.

As you read it, you’ll understand. You will see just what God wants for those who wish to be close to Him.

It tells us of the protections we can expect when we abide in “The Shadow of the Almighty”.

I accept the Word of God as absolute truth. When I stand in agreement with God’s Word, I am in agreement with God. And so will you.

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Are You Born Again? It’s An Important Yes or No Question

Are You Born Again? It’s An Important Yes or No Question

This is the most important question you’ll ever be asked. There is no question more important. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The consequence of your yes, or your no answer is eternal.

There is good news. If your answer is no, you’re alive and can finish reading this message. You still have time to change your answer.

If You’re Unsure What I’m Asking, Read On.

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